Water on the Range

As water scarcity becomes a major concern for Kansas farmers and ranchers, many are aware of their water impact and beginning to explore new approaches to using water. These include many things such as more-effective irrigation systems and management techniques, soil health, growing drought-tolerant crops and designing innovative runoff collection systems.

How Can Farmers and Ranchers Do Their Part?

There are a multitude of tools available to reduce water usage from increased irrigation technology to establishing Local Enhanced Management Areas (LEMAs) and Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) to conserve water and extend the lives of our aquifers.

Many producers, including participants in the Kansas Water Office Water Technology Farm Program, have found they can use less water while still growing the same crop and increasing their bottom line. When conserving water, farmers and ranchers are also often conserving energy. Lower utility costs can improve profitability. Conservation practices that improve soil health can also reduce input costs and positively affect the bottom line.



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