Introduction to Kansas Water

Does Kansas Have a Water Problem?

Kansans use approximately four million acre-feet of water annually. Approximately 90 percent of all water used in Kansas is pumped from groundwater sources like aquifers.

The Ogallala Aquifer is declining faster than it is recharging. Reservoirs, which are critical water storage structures for much of our state, are filling with sediment, especially during extreme rain events. At this rate, with no changes in the next 50 years, the Ogallala will be 70 percent depleted and our reservoirs will be 40 percent filled with sediment.

Both weather and climate exhibit a great deal of variability in Kansas as we experience both extremes in Kansas, drought as well as flooding. These conditions can last several days, months or even over a multi-year period.

Water issues extend beyond water supply and also include water quality and improving opportunities for growth in our state. Since then, there has been a bipartisan effort to assuage these issues, issues that affect the everyday lives of Kansans.



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