The Kansas Water Initiative (KWI) is dedicated to protecting your privacy online. The following policy statements outline how individual information will be handled by KWI while using our services. By using the KWI website, you consent to the practices described in these statements.
KWI is bound by the Kansas Open Records Act, K.S.A. 45-215 et seq., and amendments thereto. This and other laws shall govern information provided through this site, use of that information, and any information maintained concerning use of this site. No statement made here shall be interpreted in conflict with any applicable law. Information you provide via this website is a public record once you provide it, and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law.
Collection of Personal Information
By using this website, KWI may collect personally identifiable information such as your email address, name, home or work address or telephone number. KWI will not sell, give, or transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties. Information about your computer hardware and software is collected automatically. This information may include:
A cookie is a small amount of data sent from an individual browser to a Web server and stored on a computer hard drive. KWI does not collect extended cookies from its users of the website. KWI does however maintain session cookies that are processed during an individual interaction. No user information is gathered through cookies except for those needed to run a specific application.
Link Disclaimer
KWI provides links to various external websites. KWI has no responsibility for content or presentation of such external websites. By linking to an external website, we do not endorse its products, services, accuracy or security policies. Once you pass to another Website, not maintained by KWI, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website.
Information Disclaimer
Information provided on the KWI website is intended to allow immediate access to public information. While all attempts are made to provide accurate, current and reliable information, there is a possibility of either human or mechanical error. KWI expressly denies any warranty of the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information.